Sarka’s PBC Blog – May 19, 2022

Sarka’s PBC Blog – May 19, 2022

Sarka’s PBC Blog – May 19, 2022

Taking one day at a time

January. Cold. A new year. A year when my journey with PBC started. My name is Sarka.  I am a 50-year-old woman who was diagnosed with PBC a few months before my 40th birthday. I was tired all the time and itching from the inside out. No reprieve. Being in sync with my body, I knew something was wrong. The doctor appointments started, questions raised as to any changes in my diet or sleep habits. Nothing made sense. Allergies? Nope. Let’s keep a diary and see if there are any discrepancies….nope. Months go by. Nothing is changing. Allergy meds are not working. Blood tests are ordered.

September came with a liver specialist appointment. I was fully jaundiced. More tests. I was scared. Almost November, almost my birthday. Results were in – PBC. My life changed that day.

I will never forget when I got the news: I had an incurable illness, with the possibility of a liver transplant down the road. Wait; I am young. Healthy otherwise. Mother of a 10-year-old daughter. This is a mistake. How can I get better, I asked.? What is the cure? No cure. My heart sank. My tears uncontrollable. My daughter needs me I couldn’t accept this. I had to fight. I am very fortunate to have an incredible support system. I wasn’t going to have to do this alone. That was the key. New medication. New routine. New way of life. I wasn’t going down without a fight. One day at a time.

Sarka was born in Quebec. She has lived in Nova Scotia with her husband and daughter for more than twenty years.  She was diagnosed with PBC in 2012.  Most recently, Sarka was elected to Canadian PBC Society Board of Directors.  She is passionate about spreading awareness for PBC and supporting those with PBC.