Autoantibodies in Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Learn more about how AMA/ANA is used for PBC diagnosis and risk stratification. This article was published in the November 2022 issue of Clinics in Liver Disease Vol 26 Issue
Clinical features and treatment outcomes of primary biliary cholangitis in a highly admixed population
“Little is known about PBC affecting subjects with heterogeneous genetic backgrounds [4]. Brazil has a population of a highly admixed origin, with varying proportions of Amerindian, African, and European geneticAnxiety & Depression in patients with PBC
“The two most commonly reported symptoms among patients with PBC are fatigue and pruritus which may be debilitating, and negatively impact physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing. Intense symptom burden
Combination Therapy works for PBC
Study concludes that triple therapy with UDCA, OCA and fibrates is able to normalise biochemical liver tests and improve pruritus in patients with difficult‐to‐treat PBC. Read full study.
OCA real world experience
Since OCA (Ocaliva) was approved in the US in 2016 and Canada in 2017, there have been several studies to assess its effectiveness in PBC patients around the world. Here
CaNAL Patient Registry Update
The Canadian Network for Autoimmune Liver disease (CaNAL) is a longitudinal observational cohort study of patients diagnosed with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC), Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH), or overlap syndrome. This nationwide
Cholestasis-Associated Pruritus and Its Pruritogens
Jacqueline A. G. M. Langedijk, Ulrich H. Beuers and Ronald P. J. Oude Elferink* published March 9, 2021, frontiers in Medicine. “Cholestasis is the term for diminished or impaired bile
Prognostic Factors for Clinical Outcomes in Patients with PBC
This thesis, written by Dr. Carla Fiorella Murillo Perez was published January 2021. The study uses a large and globally representative cohort of patients with long-term follow-up to study various
EL-FIT program helps keep liver patients fit!
El-Fit offers a custom exercise program, tailored to meet the individual needs of liver patients. Using a friendly APP, the program allows patients to set goals and track progress, asReal-World Effectiveness of Obeticholic Acid – new study
Obeticholic Acid was approved in Canada in May 2017, this study describes its effectiveness in two Canadian centers. Read more.