Sarka’s PBC blog #9 – March 13 2023

Sarka’s PBC blog #9 – March 13 2023

Sarka’s PBC blog #9 – March 13 2023

I am spending the day with my best friend. Just the two of us. There will be no outside distractions. It’s a time for us to catch up and just be.The question, “how are you?” may seem ordinary for some. As for myself… well, I am not always certain I want to answer it. There are times when I find it intrusive. Loaded. Tricky. Confusing. Emotional. It’s by far not a simple answer for me. This illness has brought a new dimension to this mundane question “how are you?”.  So what is the right approach?  It’s best not to pry or be be too general or to ignore. Often what’s needed is simply a gentle nudge. Telling you how I am is confusing to me. How much do I share? I am learning to try to balance this. There is part of me that doesn’t want to think of PBC, another part that is scared. The me who doesn’t want to impose or be a burden. The me who needs a shoulder. Navigating this is not easy. Through thick and thin, my friend has held my hand. Being there for me. She pushes me to be my own advocate and seek answers. She knows how hard it is to be on the outside trying to get a peek inside.  Thank you my dear friend for having this conversation with me.