Sarka’s PBC blog #4 – July 18, 2022

Sarka’s PBC blog #4 – July 18, 2022

Sarka’s PBC blog #4 – July 18, 2022

Feet in the grass

We are a busy family. Life, work, raising our daughter. There is always something that needs attention. We have just added PBC; so my mind is in overdrive from all this information. I have trouble focusing on the present. I have all these “what if” scenarios happening: not good. Can I get a minute here? Gather myself? Ground myself?

My emotions are raw and high. It’s not easy being around me at present – to say the least!!! My soul and my mind need some loving care. All this busyness makes it that I need a pause. Meditation. My go-to for as long as I can remember.

Feet in the grass. Toes stretched. Breathe. A few more times… There we go. Press play. Meditation and connecting with nature is very powerful for me. My soul gets the tick it needs, which benefits all of me. Just being able to pause everything for a few moments can make such a difference.

It’s not easy to lock the world out for a few moments. Making time for it is hard. Short or long, these meditations can bring you the calm of the mind that soothes you. If you asked my family, they would tell you that when I go for my meditation, they have learned that it is beneficial for all!!! Grounded mom, wife, friend… can’t pass this up