Sarka’s blog #8 -December 27, 2022

Sarka’s blog #8 -December 27, 2022

Sarka’s blog #8 -December 27, 2022

Sugar and spice

I love watching the snow fall. It makes everything look like a beautiful white fluffy carpet. Each snowflake unique on its own. People start decorating their house to welcome the holidays. I have always loved this time of year. I am such a kid at heart!!

It’s a busy time. I want to do sooo much….alas my energy is diminishing. I get tired easily, and it frustrates me. I can’t go shopping as long as I used to. I need to space out some activities so I can keep up. I need to take naps. I begrudgingly have to delegate certain tasks to be able to keep up. I feel like my body isn’t matching my enthusiasm. I have troubles coping with all of this.

There is one tradition that I won’t pass by: baking cookies with my daughter. We have some staple recipes that have been passed from generation to generation. Some new ones that we absolutely needed to try. There’s laughter. Dancing. Sharing stories. Complicity. Flour, sprinkles and sugar everywhere! So much love. This time spent with her, is priceless. I cherish it immensely and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

As I sit here by the fireplace and look at our tree, my fatigue is put on the back burner. The lights are glowing and each ornaments tell a story. Our story. Each present under the tree teases you as to what they may contain. My hand reaches for another cookie…they are sooo scrumptious. Santa is one lucky guy!!!

I am wishing you the best holidays 🎄